Last summer, the SVOD Netflix platform had partially limited subscriptions via the App Store. This time, Netflix definitively cuts access to its services by iTunes. Indeed, the platform no longer wants to pay the 30% commission claimed by the apple.

A commission deemed too important
Ordinarily, it was possible to subscribe directly from the iOS application via the integrated purchase system. This allowed members to pay for their subscription through iTunes. When a publisher offers a subscription for an application, Apple forces it to go through its ecosystem. It levies a commission on all income earned through this. A method that obviously did not please the SVOD platform since it is now impossible to subscribe via the application according to the will of Netflix. The latter considered too important the 30% commission punctuated by Apple. This 30% commission in the first year, however, decreases15% for the following years.
Netflix Subscription
When a new member wants to subscribe to one of the formulas, it will no longer be able to do it from the iOS application. It might be expected that the application redirects the user to the Netflix site, but it is not. Indeed, the rules of use of Apple prohibit these provisions, forcing publishers to go through iTunes. From now on, it will be necessary to go on the Internet site in order to subscribe to one of the 3 available formulas.
In the FAQ of the site Netflix, you learn sIn under ” How can I pay my subscription? »That goes through iTunes is no longer accepted for new subscribers. However, it is specified that users already using this service will continue to use it, and therefore to pay their subscription via iTunes.
The App Annie App Analysis site informs that Netflix is the app that has generated the most in-app purchases on Android and iOS. This is a huge financial loss, much more important for Apple than for Netflix. The latter held the risky gamble of disassociating from Apple, relying on its position and hegemony in the field. While many publishers find the commission established by Apple too important, rare are those really able to do without the giant apple.
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