Toyota develops domestic robots with progressive intelligence

To promote the independence of dependent elderly people, the  Toyota Research Institute is developing a robot aid with progressive intelligence. These robots will share the evolutions and know-how acquired domestic based on cloud and deep learning and will adapt to any type of interior.

To accompany the aging of the world’s population, the Toyota Research Institute is developing a robotic home-based helper with scalable intelligence capable of doing all kinds of housework.

Thanks to the fleet learning technology  (used by Tesla to allow its fleets autonomous vehicles to improve without human intervention), these robots rely on the cloud and deep learning to transmit knowledge between robots from the same network.

They can all perform the same task in a variety of environments. According to Toyota, this technology allows ”  to exponentially increase their robotic capabilities of the entire fleet “.

Robots with evolutionary intelligence

Robots learn more than they are programmed for through their software. This development provides them with highly specific capabilities that are not developed by the  Research Institute. These robots will adapt to varied and evolving interiors. The robot learns to perform arbitrary tasks using a variety of objects instead of being programmed to perform predefined tasks using specific objects. It can, therefore, address similar and not identical situations and adapt to them.

If these robots are developed to help seniors, Toyota is considering adapting this technology to industrial manufacturing. For the moment, only prototypes exist. The company does not reveal anything about their marketing.